Stumpf Capital - Relationship Summary
(Form ADV, Part 3)
June 29, 2020
Item 1. Introduction
Stumpf Capital is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). There are other types of financial service professionals that provide different advisory services and fees and it is important that you understand the differences. The SEC provides free educational materials about investment advisors, brokerage services and investing and offers simple tools to help you to research firms and financial professionals at
Item 2. Relationships and Services
What investment services and advice can you provide me?
We provide investment advice and portfolio management services to separate accounts, including individuals, small businesses, and business and institutional clients. We invest your assets utilizing a mix of fundamental, technical and customized financial analysis focused on your needs and risk tolerance. We will manage your assets on a discretionary basis and in accordance to the advisory agreement. For more information regarding all of our services, read the accompanying Brochure starting on page 1 (Items 4 and 7).
→ Conversation Starters
Given my financial situation, should I choose an investment advisory service?
Why or why not?
How will you choose investments to recommend to me?
Item 3. Fees, Costs, Conflicts, and Standard of Conduct
What fees will I pay?
Our advisory fee terms vary depending on the advisory agreement. Separately managed account clients generally pay an annual investment management fee of 0.5% per annum. Fees are calculated as a percentage of your account, payable quarterly in arrears. Therefore, the more assets in the accounts we manage for you, the more you will pay in fees, and therefore we have an incentive to encourage you to increase assets in your accounts.
You shall pay such costs and expenses as we shall reasonably determine to be necessary, appropriate, advisable or convenient to realize your investment objective, including but not limited to: (i) management fees; (ii) all general investment expenses; (iii) all operating and administration expenses, including but not limited to, all custodial fees, accounting, brokerage commissions, clearing fees, borrowing charges, interest on margin and other borrowings, and withholding or transfer taxes incurred in connection with your account; and (v) such other expenses as may be set forth in each advisory agreement.
Our fees are exclusive of brokerage commissions, transaction fees, and other related costs and expenses which shall be incurred by you. Such charges, fees and commissions are exclusive of and in addition to our management fee, and we shall not receive any portion of these commissions, fees, and costs.
What is your relevant experience, including your licenses, education and other qualifications?
What do these qualifications mean?
You will pay fees and costs whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money you make on your investments over time. Please make sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying. Read more about our fees starting on page 2 (Item 5) of the Brochure. Your specific fee schedule can be found in your advisory agreement.
→ Conversation Starters
What are your legal obligations to me when acting as my investment adviser?
How else does your firm make money and what conflicts of interest do you have?
When we act as your investment adviser, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money could create conflicts of interest (as listed above). A number of actual and potential conflicts of interest between our clients could exist, including the possibility of conflict with respect to the allocation of investment opportunities among you. We have sole discretion to resolve such conflicts as it determines to be appropriate, consistent with our fiduciary duties to you. Read more about our conflicts of interest and how we manage them in our Brochure starting on page 7 (Item 8).
How do your financial professionals make money?
Your financial professional receives total compensation consisting of a variable compensation. Total compensation considers total Assets Under Management, billed quarterly, in arears, at 0.05%. with no trade fees.
Item 4. Disciplinary History
Do you or your financial professionals have legal or disciplinary history?
No. Visit for a free and simple search tool to learn more.
→ Conversation Starters
As a financial professional, do you have any disciplinary history? For what type of conduct?
Item 5. Additional Information
Read the accompanying Brochure before you invest with us. It contains important information about our advisory services. Call (415) 686-5215 for up-to-date information about us. You can also visit us at:
→ Conversation Starters
Who is my primary contact person? Is he or she a representative of an investment adviser or a broker-dealer?
Who can I talk to if I have concerns about how this person is treating me?